McMaster Mass Compilation 11
Compilers: Balraj Singh, McMaster Univ., CanadaContact: Balraj Singh;
Date: May 17, 2017
Compiled Data from papers during November 1, 2015 to May 17, 2017
(Includes two papers published in 2012, but entered in NSR, 2015)
NSR Keyno Citation Author Title Method Facility 2017NeAA JP-G 44, 065103 D.A. Nesterenko et al. "High-precision mass measurements for the Penning trap JYFLTRAP at Jyvaskyla isobaric multiplet mass equation at A=52" 2017At01 JP-G 44, 044004 D. Atanasov et al. "Precision mass measurements of cesium isotopes- Penning trap ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN new entries in the ISOLTRAP chronicles" 2017Er01 PRC 95, 025501 T. Eronen et al. "Q_EC value of the superallowed beta Penning trap JYFLTRAP at Jyvaskyla emitter 42Sc" 2017Sc02 PRC 95, 011305(R) P. Schury et al. "First online multireflection time-of-flight Time-of-flight MRTOF-MS at RIKEN mass measurements of isobar chains produced by fusion-evaporation reactions: Towards identification of superheavy elements via mass spectroscopy" 2017Zh12 PL-B 767, 20 P. Zhang et al. "High-precision Q_EC values of superallowed 0+ ->0+ Cooler-Storage Ring HIRFL-CSR at Lanzhou beta-emitters 46Cr, 50Fe and 54Ni" 2016Al03 PRL 116, 072501 M. Alanssari et al. "Single and Double beta-decay Q values among the Triplet 96Zr, 96Nb and 96Mo" Penning trap JYFLTRAP at Jyvaskyla 2016Ei01 PRC 94, 015502 M. Eibach et al. "Double resonant enhancement in the neutrinoless Penning trap LEBIT at NSCL-MSU double-electron capture of 190Pt" 2016Fi07 PL-B 758, 407 P. Filianin et al. "The decay energy of the pure s-process Penning trap SHIPTRAP at GSI nuclide 123Te" 2016Ga33 PRC 94, 025505 N.D. Gamage et al. "Precise determination of the 113Cd fourth- Penning trap LEBIT at NSCL-MSU forbidden non-unique beta-decay Q value" 2016Gu02 PRL 116, 012501 K. Gulyuz et al. "High precision determination of the beta decay Penning trap LEBIT at NSCL-MSU Q value of 11C and implication on the tests of the standard model" 2016Kl04 PRC 93, 045807 R. Klawitter et al. "Mass measurements of neutron-rich Rb and Penning trap TITAN at TRIUMF and Sr isotopes" 2016Kn02 PL-B 754, 288 R. Knobel et al. "First direct mass measurements of stored neutron- Isochronous mass spect. FRS-ESR at GSI rich 129,130,131Cd isotopes with FRS-ESR" 2016Me07 PRC 93, 035805 Z. Meisel et al. "Time-of-flight mass measurements of neutron-rich Time-of-flight NSCL-MSU chromium isotopes up to N=40 and implications for the accreted neutron star crust" 2016Kn03 EPJ-A 52, 138 R. Knobel et al. "New results from isochronous mass measurements of Isochronous mass spect. FRS-ESR at GSI neutron-rich uranium fission fragments with the FRS-ESR-facility at GSI" 2016Ca22 EPJ-A 52, 124 L. Canete et al. "High-precision mass measurements of 25Al and Penning trap JYFLTRAP at Jyvaskyla 30P at JYFLTRAP" 2016Na02 PRC 93, 014308 E. Nacher et al. "Observations of the Gamow-Teller resonances TAS-EC decay in the rare-earth nuclei above 146Gd populated in beta decay" 2016Ka15 PRC 93, 041304(R) A. Kankainen et al. "Mass of astrophysically relevant 31Cl and the Penning trap JYFLTRAP at Jyvaskyla breakdown of the isobaric multiplet mass equation" 2015At03 PRL 115, 232501 D. Atanasov et al. "Precision mass measurements of 129-131Cd and their Penning trap ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN impact on stellar nucleosynthesis via the rapid neutron-capture process" 2015Kw01 PRC 92, 061301(R) A.A. Kwiatkowski et al. "Observation of a crossover of S_2n in the island of Penning trap TITAN at TRIUMF inversion from precision mass spectrometry" 2015Za13 Metrologia 52, 280 S.L. Zafonte et al. "Ultra-precise single-ion atomic mass measurements Penning trap MPI-Heidelberg on deuterium and 3He" 2012Ra34 PRA 86, 050502(R) R. Rana et al. "Atomic masses of strontium and ytterbium" Penning trap Florida-State 2012Mi27 Science 337, 1207 E. Minaya Ramirez et al. "Direct mapping of Nuclear Shell effects in the Penning trap SHIPTRAP at GSI heaviest elements" Nuclide Level Half-Life Spin-Parity Measured Mass AME-2016 Mass Measured - Reference Energy (keV) Excess (keV) Excess (keV) AME-2016 10B 0 Stable 12050.611(15) 12050.609(15) 0.002 2016Gu02: PRL 116, 012501 11C 0 20.3 min 10649.397(60) 10649.40(6) 0 2016Gu02: PRL 116, 012501 11B 0 Stable 8667.707(12) 8667.707(12) 0 2016Gu02: PRL 116, 012501 25Al 0 7.18 s -8916.2(5) -8915.97(6) -0.23 2016Ca22: EPJ-A 52, 124 27Al 0 Stable -17196.884(58) -17196.86(5) -0.02 2015Kw01: PRC 92, 061301(R) 29Al 0 6.56 min -18209.0(19) -18207.8(3) -1.2 2015Kw01: PRC 92, 061301(R) 30Al 0 3.6 s -15864.8(29) -15864.8(29) 0 2015Kw01: PRC 92, 061301(R) 30P 0 2.5 min -20200.854(64) -20200.85(7) 0 2016Ca22: EPJ-A 52, 124 31Al 0 644 ms -14950.7(22) -14950.7(22) 0 2015Kw01: PRC 92, 061301(R) 31Cl 0 190 ms -7034.7(34) -7035(3) 0.3 2016Ka15: PRC 93, 041304(R) 32Al 0 33 ms -11099.4(87) -11099(7) -0.4 2015Kw01: PRC 92, 061301(R) 33Al 0 42 ms -8497.4(70) -8497(7) -0.4 2015Kw01: PRC 92, 061301(R) 34Al 0 56 ms -2990.0(72) -3000(3) -10 2015Kw01: PRC 92, 061301(R) 42Ti 0 208.6 ms -25125(19) -25104.67(28) -20.3 2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20 46Cr 0 224.3 ms -29471(11) -29472(11) -1 2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20 48Mn 0 158.1 ms -29299(7) -29296(7) -3 2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20 50Fe 0 152.1 ms -34477(6) -34476(8) -1 2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20 52Co 0 111 ms -34331.6(66) -34361(8) 29.4 2017NeAA: JP-G 44, 065103 52Co 387 102 ms -33958(11) -33974(10) 16 2017NeAA: JP-G 44, 065103 52Fe 0 8.27 h -48330.67(60) -48330(5) -0.67 2017NeAA: JP-G 44, 065103 52Fe 6958 45.9 s -41370.01(65) -41372(5) 2.0 2017NeAA: JP-G 44, 065103 52Mn 0 5.59 d -50709.97(59) -50707.3(18) -2.7 2017NeAA: JP-G 44, 065103 54Ni 0 114.2 ms -39278(4) -39278(5) 0 2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20 59Cr 0 1.05 s -48540(440) -48090(220) -450 2016Me07: PRC 93, 035805 60Cr 0 490 ms -47440(460) -46670(190) -770 2016Me07: PRC 93, 035805 61Cr 0 243 ms -43080(510) -42480(100) -600 2016Me07: PRC 93, 035805 62Cr 0 206 ms -40890(490) -40890(150) 0 2016Me07: PRC 93, 035805 63Cr 0 129 ms -35940(430) -36010(360) 70 2016Me07: PRC 93, 035805 64Cr 0 43 ms -33480(440) -33480(440) 0 2016Me07: PRC 93, 035805 86Ge 0 226 ms -49400(175) -49400(440) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 91Se 0 270 ms -50580(173) -50580(430) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 93Br 0 152 ms -52890(172) -52890(440) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 94Br 0 70 ms -46800(400) -47400(300)sy 600 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 96Nb 0 23.3 h -85601.46(43) -85602.82(15) 1.4 2016Al03: PRL 116, 072501 96Zr 0 23E+18 y -85437.50(41) -85438.85(11) 1.3 2016Al03: PRL 116, 072501 98Rb 0 114 ms -54319.6(55) -54369(16) 49 2016Kl04: PRC 93, 045807 98Sr 0 653 ms -66416.6(67) -66423(3) 6 2016Kl04: PRC 93, 045807 99Rb 0 54 ms -51124.6(93) -51121(4) -4 2016Kl04: PRC 93, 045807 99Sr 0 269 ms -62522.4(65) -62521(5) -1.4 2016Kl04: PRC 93, 045807 100Rb 0 51 ms -46190(140) -46247(20) 57 2016Kl04: PRC 93, 045807 100Sr 0 202 ms -59816(11) -59821(7) 5 2016Kl04: PRC 93, 045807 101Sr 0 118 ms -55327.6(98) -55325(8) -2.6 2016Kl04: PRC 93, 045807 105Y 0 95 ms -51270(535) -51270(1340) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 106Zr 0 178.6 ms -58550(173) -58550(430) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 107Zr 0 145.7 ms -54380(449) -54380(1120) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 109Nb 0 106.9 ms -56690(172) -56690(260) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 110Nb 0 82 ms -52310(335) -52310(840) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 112Cd 0 Stable -90574.51(27) -90574.86(25) 0.35 2016Ga33: PRC 94, 025505 113Mo 0 80 ms -53390(314) -52490(300)sy -900 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 113In 0 Stable -89366.84(22) -89367.12(19) 0.3 2016Ga33: PRC 94, 025505 113In 0 Stable -89368.47(63) -89367.12(19) -1.4 2016Ga33: PRC 94, 025505 113Cd 0 8.0E+15 y -89043.31(32) -89043.28(24) -0.03 2016Ga33: PRC 94, 025505 113Cd 0 8.0E+15 Y -89044.23(62) -89043.28(24) -1.0 2016Ga33: PRC 94, 025505 114Tc 0 90 ms -58600(173) -58600(430) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 115Tc 0 78 ms -56320(316) -56320(790) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 117Ru 0 151 ms -59490(173) -59490(430) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 118Ru 0 99 ms -57640(183) -57260(200)sy -380 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 121Rh 0 76 ms -56250(248) -56250(620) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 123Pd 0 108 ms -60430(316) -60430(790) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 124Pd 0 88 ms -60190(372) -58390(300)sy -1800 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 125Ag 0 159 ms -64520(173) -64520(430) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 126Ag 0 99.3 ms -61410(306) -60680(200) -730 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 129Cd 0 151.5 ms -63145(173) -63058(17) -87 2016Kn02: PL-B 754, 288 130Cd 0 126.8 ms -62131(411) -61118(22) -1013 2016Kn02: PL-B 754, 288 131Cd 0 98 ms -55583(953) -55220(100) -363 2016Kn02: PL-B 754, 288 129Cd 0 151.5 ms -63148(74) a) -63058(17) 90 2015At03: PRL 115, 232501 130Cd 0 126.8 ms -61118(22) -61118(22) 0 2015At03: PRL 115, 232501 131Cd 0 98 ms -55215(100) -55220(100) 5 2015At03: PRL 115, 232501 132Cs 0 6.48 d -87151.4(12) -87152.7(10) 1.3 2017At01: JP-G 44, 044004 137Sb 0 484 ms -60610(173) -60060(50) -550 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 138Sb 0 348 ms -54220(426) -54220(1060) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 140I 0 860 ms -63530(173) -63606(12) 76 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 141I 0 430 ms -60030(173) -59927(16) -103 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 143I 0 130 ms -50160(461) -50630(200)sy 470 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 146Cs 0 321 ms -55309(3) -55310.4(29) 1.4 2017At01: JP-G 44, 044004 147Cs 0 230 ms -51920(8) -51920(8) 0 2017At01: JP-G 44, 044004 148Cs 0 146 ms -46911(13) -46911(13) 0 2017At01: JP-G 44, 044004 149Ba 0 348 ms -53120(175) -53120(440) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 150Ba 0 259 ms -51520(346) -49900(300)sy -1620 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 150La 0 504 ms -56130(174) -56130(440) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 151La 0 465 ms -53310(174) -53310(440) 0 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 154Ce 0 722 ms -52540(577) -52220(200)sy -320 2016Kn03: EPJ-A 52, 138 190Pt 0 650 Gy -37305.46(68) -37306.5(7) 1.0 2016Ei01: PRC 94, 015502 190Os 0 Stable -38707.81(88) -38707.8(6) 0 2016Ei01: PRC 94, 015502 194Pt 0 Stable -34759.38(62) -34760.1(5) 0.7 2016Ei01: PRC 94, 015502 204Fr 50 2.4 s 679(24) 658(25) 21 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 204Fr 0 1.75 s 679(24) 607(25) 72 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 204Rn 0 1.24 min -8067(28) -7970(7) -97 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 204At 0 9.1 min -11908(57) -11875(22) 33 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 204Po 0 3.5 h -18095(185) -18341(11) 246 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 205Rn 0 2.83 min -7584(32) -7710(5) 126 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 205At 0 33.8 min -12983(71) -12972(15) -11 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 205Po 0 1.74 h -16791(257) -17521(10) 730 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 205Bi 0 15.3 d -20826(569) -21065(5) 239 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 206At 0 30.6 min -12497(2150) -12430(15) -67 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 206Fr 190 16 s -1104(107) -1048(28) -56 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 206Rn 0 5.67 min -8565(600) -9133(9) 568 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 206Fr 0 16 s -1104(107) -1242(28) 138 2017Sc02: PRC 95, 011305(R) 252No 0 2.45 s 82870(16) 82871(9) -1 2012Mi27: Science 337, 1207 253No 0 1.56 min 84356(13) 84359(7) -3 2012Mi27: Science 337, 1207 254No 0 51.2 s 84726(14) 84723(10) 3 2012Mi27: Science 337, 1207 255No 0 3.52 min 86808(15) 86807(15) 1 2012Mi27: Science 337, 1207 255Lr 0 31.1 s 89958(16) 89947(18) 11 2012Mi27: Science 337, 1207 256Lr 0 27 s 91746(83) 91750(80) -4 2012Mi27: Science 337, 1207 a) 2015At03 estimated value for the ground state from the measured value of -63058 keV {I17}, and allowed for a mixture of ground state and isomer. Note that AME-2016 assigned -63058 {I17} to the g.s. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Atom Measured mass (a.m.u.) AME-2016 (a.m.u.) Measured- AME-2016 2H: deuterium 2.014101778052(40) 2.01410177811(12) -0.000000000058 2015Za13: Metrologia 52, 280 2H: deuteron 2.013553212745(40) 2015Za13: Metrologia 52, 280 3He: helium 3.016029321675(43) 3.01602932265(22) -0.000000000975 2015Za13: Metrologia 52, 280 3He: helion 3.014932246668(43) 2015Za13: Metrologia 52, 280 86Sr 85.9092607309(91) 85.909260726(6) 0.0000000049 2012Ra34: PRA 86, 050502(R) 87Sr 86.9088774970(91) 86.908877496(5) 0.0000000010 2012Ra34: PRA 86, 050502(R) 88Sr 87.9056122571(97) 87.905612256(6) 0.0000000011 2012Ra34: PRA 86, 050502(R) 170Yb 169.934767241(18) 169.934767246(11) -0.000000005 2012Ra34: PRA 86, 050502(R) 171Yb 170.936331514(19) 170.936331517(14) -0.000000003 2012Ra34: PRA 86, 050502(R) 172Yb 171.936386655(18) 171.936386659(15) -0.000000004 2012Ra34: PRA 86, 050502(R) 173Yb 172.938216213(18) 172.938216215(12) -0.000000002 2012Ra34: PRA 86, 050502(R) 174Yb 173.938867539(18) 173.938867548(12) -0.000000009 2012Ra34: PRA 86, 050502(R) 176Yb 175.942574702(22) 175.942574709(16) -0.000000007 2012Ra34: PRA 86, 050502(R) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nuclide; Level Half-Life Spin-Parity Measured AME-2016 Measured - Reference Daughter Energy (keV) Q(2EC) (keV) Q(2EC) (keV) AME-2016 190Pt;190Os 0;0 650 Gy;stable 0+;0+ 1401.57(47) 1401.3(4) 0.3 2016Ei01: PRC 94, 015502 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nuclide; Level Half-Life Spin-Parity Measured AME-2016 Measured - Reference Daughter Energy (keV) Q(2B-) (keV) Q(2B-) (keV) AME-2016 96Zr;96Mo 0;0 20E+18 y;stable 0+;0+ 3356.097(86) 3356.03(7) 0.067 2016Al03: PRL 116, 072501 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nuclide; Level Half-Life Spin-Parity Measured AME-2016 Measured - Reference Daughter Energy (keV) Q(B-) (keV) Q(B-) (keV) AME-2016 96Zr;96Nb 0;0 20E+18 y;23.3 h 0+;6+ 163.96(13) 163.97(10) -0.01 2016Al03: PRL 116, 072501 96Nb;96Mo 0;0 23.3 h;stable 6+;0+ 3192.05(16) 3192.06(11) -0.01 2016Al03: PRL 116, 072501 113Cd;113In 0;0 8.0E+15 y;stable 1/2+;9/2+ 323.89(27) 323.83(27) 0.06 2016Ga33: PRC 94, 025505 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nuclide; Level Half-Life Spin-Parity Measured AME-2016 Measured - Reference Daughter Energy (keV) Q(EC) (keV) Q(EC) (keV) AME-2016 11C;11B 0;0 20.3 min;stable 3/2;3/2- 1981.690(61) 1981.69(6) 0 2016Gu02: PRL 116, 012501 42Sc;42Ca 0;0 680.8 ms;stable 0+;0+ 6426.350(53) 6426.09(10) 0.26 2017Er01: PRC 95, 025501 42Sc;42Ca 0;0 61.7 s;short 7+;6+ 616.751(82) 616.32(6) 0.43 2017Er01: PRC 95, 025501 46Cr;46V 0;0 224.3 ms;422 ms 0+;0+ 7604(11) 7604(11) 0 2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20 50Fe;50Mn 0;0 152.1 ms;283 ms 0+;0+ 8150(6) 8151(8) -1 2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20 54Ni;54Co 0;0 114.2 ms;193 ms 0+;0+ 8731(4) 8732(5) -1 2017Zh12: PL-B 767, 20 123Te;123Sb 0;0 >2E+15 y;stable 1/2+;7/2+ 51.912(67) 51.9(15) 0 2016Fi07: PL-B 758, 407 152Tm;152Er 0;0 8.0 s;10.3 s (2)-;0+ 8820(240) 8780(50) 40 2016Na02: PRC 93, 014308 152Tm;152Er 0+x;0 5.2 s;10.3 s (9)+;0+ 8680(240) 8780(50) -100 2016Na02: PRC 93, 014308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nuclide; Level Half-Life Spin-Parity Measured AME-2016 Measured - Reference Daughter Energy (keV) Q(alpha) (keV) Q(alpha)(keV) AME-2016 190Pt;186Os 0;0 650 Gy;2E+15 y 0+;0+ 3268.40(82) 3268.6(6) -0.2 2016Ei01: PRC 94, 015502 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------