McMaster Mass Compilation 06
Compiler: Balraj Singh, Michael Birch, McMaster Univ., CanadaContact: Balraj Singh;
Date: October 31, 2011
Compiled Data from papers during November 1, 2010 to October 31, 2011
NSR Keyno Citation Author Title Method Facility 2010Mo29 PRA 81, 064501 B.J. Mount et al. "Mass of 17O from Penning-trap mass spectrometry and Penning Trap FSU molecular spectroscopy: A precision test of the Dunham-Watson model in carbon monoxide" 2010Mo30 PRA 82, 042513 B.J. Mount et al. "Atomic masses of 6Li, 23Na, 39, 41K, 85, 87Rb, and 133Cs" Penning Trap FSU 2011Tu02 PRL 106, 112501 X.L. Tu et al. "Direct Mass Measurements of Short-Lived A=2Z-1 Nuclides Penning Trap HIRL,Lanzhou 63Ge, 65As, 67Se, and 71Kr and Their Impact on Nucleosynthesis in the rp Process" 2011Ha08 PRL 106, 122501 E. Haettner et al. "Mass Measurements of Very Neutron-Deficient Mo and Penning Trap GSI Tc Isotopes and Their Impact on rp Process Nucleosynthesis" 2011Ka30 PRC 82, 052501 A. Kankainen et al. "High-precision mass measurement of 31S with the double Penning Trap IGISOL Penning trap JYFLTRAP improves the mass value for 32Cl" 2011El02 PRL 106, 052504 S. Eliseev et al. "Resonant Enhancement of Neutrinoless Double-Electron Penning Trap GSI Capture in 152Gd" 2011El04 PRC 83, 038501 S. Eliseev et al. "Q values for neutrinoless double-electron capture in Penning Trap GSI 96Ru, 162Er, and 168Yb" 2011So11 EPJ A 47, 40 J. Souin et al. "Precision half-life and Q -value measurement of the Penning Trap IGISOL super-allowed beta emitter 30S " 2011Er02 PRC 83, 055501 T. Eronen et al. "QEC values of the superallowed Beta emitters Penning Trap IGISOL 10C, 34Ar, 38Ca, and 46V" 2011He10 EPJ A 47, 75 F. Herfurth et al. "New mass data for the rp-process above Z = 32" Penning Trap ISOLDE/CERN 2011Ro18 PRL 106, 252503 A. M. Rogers et al. "Ground-State Proton Decay of 69Br and Implications From S(p), Q value NSCL for the 68Se Astrophysical Rapid Proton-Capture Process Waiting Point" 2011Ke03 PRC 84, 014311 J. Ketelaer et al. "Mass measurements on stable nuclides in the Penning Trap TRIGA Mainz rare-earth region with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer TRIGA-TRAP" 2011El05 PRC 84, 012501(R) S. Eliseev et al. "Multiple-resonance phenomenon in neutrinoless Penning Trap GSI double-electron capture" 2011GO23 PRC 84, 028501 M. Goncharov et al. "Probing the nuclides 102Pd, 106Cd, and 144Sm for Penning Trap GSI resonant neutrinoless double-electron capture" 2011RA24 PLB 703, 412 S. Rahaman et al. "Double-beta decay Q values of 116Cd and 130Te" Penning Trap IGISOL 2011El08 PRL 107, 152501 S. Eliseev et al. "Octupolar-Excitation Penning-Trap Mass Spectrometry Penning Trap GSI for Q-Value Measurement of Double-Electron Capture in 164Er" 2011Ko03 PLB 697, 116 V.S. Kolhinen et al. "On the resonant neutrinoless double-electron- Penning Trap IGISOL capture decay of 136Ce" 2011As07 IJMPE 20, 971 M. Assie et al. "Spectroscopy of the unbound nucleus 18Na" From S(p), Q value GANIL 2011EsAA PRL 107, 172503 A. Estrade et al. "Time-of-Flight Mass Measurements for Nuclear Time-of-Flight NSCL Processes in Neutron Star Crusts" 2011FaAA PRC 84, 045807 J. Fallis et al., "Mass measurements of isotopes of Nb, Mo, Tc, Penning Trap CPT, ANL Ru, and Rh along the p- and r p-process paths using the Canadian Penning trap mass spectrometer" 2011KuAA PRC 84, 044304 J. Kurpeta et al., "Signatures of oblate deformation in the 111Tc nucleus" Penning Trap JYFL 2011HaAA EPJ-A 47: 129 J. Hakala et al., "Precision mass measurements of neutron-rich Y, Nb, Mo, Penning Trap JYFL Tc, Ru, Rh, and Pd isotopes." NUCLIDE LEVEL- HALF-LIFE SPIN-PARITY MEASURED AME-2003 MEASURED - REFERENCE ENERGY MASS EXCESS MASS EXCESS AME 2003 (keV) (keV) (keV) 6Li 0 Stable 1+ 14086.880(15) 14086.793(15) 0.0872 2010Mo30: PRA 82, 042513 17O 0 Stable 5/2+ -808.76360(84) -808.81(11) 0.0464 2010Mo29: PRA 81, 064501 18Na 0 (2-) 25300(20) 24190(50) 1110 2011As07: IJMPE 20, 971 23Na 0 Stable 3/2+ -9529.8526(24) -9529.8536(27) 0.000997 2010Mo30: PRA 82, 042513 31S 0 2.572 s 1/2+ -19042.55(24) -19044.6(15) 2.05 2010Ka30: PRC 82, 052501 39K 0 Stable 3/2+ -33807.19(49) -33807.01(19) -0.184 2010Mo30: PRA 82, 042513 41K 0 Stable 3/2+ -35559.55(43) -35559.07(19) -0.477 2010Mo30: PRA 82, 042513 53Sc 0 >3 s 7/2- -38110(270) -37620(300) -490 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 54Sc 0 292 ms (3,4)+ -33540(360) -34220(370) 680 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 55Sc 0 105 ms (7/2-) -30240(600) -29580(740) -660 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 57Ti 0 98 ms (5/2-) -33790(340) -33540(460) -250 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 60V 0+x 40 ms low -33010(390) -32580(470) -430 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 61V 0 47 ms (3/2-) -30510(890) -29360(400) -1150 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 63Cr 0 129 ms 1/2- -35280(650) -35530(300) 250 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 63Ge 0 142 ms 3/2- -46921(37) -46910(SYS) -11 2011Tu02: PRL 106, 112501 65As 0 170 ms (3/2-) -46937(85) -46980(SYS) 43 2011Tu02: PRL 106, 112501 65Mn 0 92 ms 5/2- -40790(310) -40670(540) -120 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 66Mn 0 65 ms -36900(790) -36250(400) -650 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 67Fe 0 0.6 s (5/2+) -45980(250) -45690(420) -290 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 67Se 0 133 ms (5/2-) -46580(67) -46490(SYS) -90 2011Tu02: PRL 106, 112501 68Co 0 0.199 s (7-) -51860(210) -51350(320) -510 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 68Fe 0 180 ms 0+ -44090(430) -43130(700) -960 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 69Br 0 <24 ns (1/2-,3/2-) -46115(+40-34) -46480(SYS) 365 2011Ro18: PRL 106, 252503 69Co 0 0.27 s 7/2- -50370(210) -50000(340) -370 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 70Co 0 119 ms (6-) -46820(280) -45640(840) -1180 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 70Se 0 41.1 min 0+ -61922(17) -62050(60) 128 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 71Co 0 80 ms (7/2-) -44590(560) -43870(840) -720 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 71Kr 0 100 ms (5/2-) -46320(141) N/A N/A 2011Tu02: PRL 106, 112501 71Se 0 4.74 min (5/2-) -63146.5(28) -63120(30) -26.5 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 72Br 0 78.6 s 1+ -59067.4(67) -59020(60) -47.4 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 72Se 0 8.4 d 0+ -67868.2(20) -67894(12) 25.8 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 73Br 0 3.4 min 1/2- -63647.7(73) -63630(50) -17.7 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 73Se 0 7.15 h 9/2+ -68243(10) -68218(11) -25 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 74Br 0 25.4 min (0-) -65285.0(63) -65306(15) 21 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 74Ni 0 0.68 s 0+ -49210(990) -48370(400) -840 2011EsAA: PRL 107, 172503 74Se 0 stable 0+ -72211.8(68) -72212.7(17) 0.9 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 75Br 0 96.7 min 3/2- -69107.2(43) -69139(14) 31.8 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 80Sr 0 106.3 m 0+ -70313.4(39) -70308(7) -5 2011Ha08: PRL 106, 122501 81Rb 86.31(7) 30.5 m 9/2+ -75373.1(86) -75369(6) -4 2011Ha08: PRL 106, 122501 81Sr 0 22.3 m 1/2- -71528.6(35) -71528(6) -1 2011Ha08: PRL 106, 122501 84Sr 0 Stable 0+ -80648.4(40) -80644(3) -4 2011Ha08: PRL 106, 122501 85Mo 0 32 s (1/2-) -57510(16) -59100(SYS) 1590 2011Ha08: PRL 106, 122501 85Nb 0 20.9 s (9/2+) -66279.7(41) -67150(220) 870 2011Ha08: PRL 106, 122501 85Rb 0 Stable 5/2- -82167.3367(83) -82167.331(11) -0.00575 2010Mo30: PRA 82, 042513 86Mo 0 19.6 s 0+ -64110.3(38) -64560(440) 450 2011Ha08: PRL 106, 122501 86Zr 0 16.5 h 0+ -77971.7(43) -77800(30) -170 2011Ha08: PRL 106, 122501 87Mo 0 14.05 s (7/2+) -66882.8(39) -67690(220) 810 2011Ha08: PRL 106, 122501 87Mo 0 14.02 s 7/2+ -66887.1(41) -67690(220) 802.9 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 87Nb 0 3.75 min (1/2-) -73891(26) -74180(60) 289 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 87Rb 0 stable 3/2- -84597.69(80) -84597.795(12) 0.105 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 87Rb 0 4.81E10 y 3/2- -84597.7949(92) -84597.795(12) 0.000146 2010Mo30: PRA 82, 042513 87Tc 0 2.18 s (1/2-) -57690.0(42) -59120(SYS) 1430 2011Ha08: PRL 106, 122501 90Mo 0 5.56 h 0+ -80172.0(43) -80167(6) -5 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 90Ru 0 11 s 0+ -64887(10) -65310(SYS) 423 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 90Tc x 49.2 s 8+ -70725.0(49) -71210(240) 485 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 91Mo 0 15.49 min 9/2+ -82210.0(77) -82204(11) -6 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 91Ru 0 9 s (9/2+) -68241.0(42) -68660(SYS) 419 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 91Tc 0 3.14 min (9/2)+ -75986.4(58) -75980(200) -6.4 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 92Mo 0 Stable 0+ -86806.8(64) -86805(4) -1.8 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 92Rh 0 2.9 s (6+) -63017(13) -63360(SYS) 343 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 92Ru 0 3.65 min 0+ -74306.7(45) -74410(SYS) 103.3 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 92Tc 0 4.25 min (8)+ -78924.5(47) -78935(26) 10.5 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 93Rh 0 12.2 s (9/2+) -69013.9(48) -69170(SYS) 156.1 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 93Ru 0 59.7 s (9/2+) -77217.6(29) -77270(90) 52.4 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 93Tc 0 2.75 h 9/2+ -83613.7(54) -83603(4) -10.7 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 94Rh 0+x 25.8 s (8+) -72907.8(54) -72940(SYS) 32.2 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 94Ru 0 51.8 min 0+ -82588.0(47) -82568(13) -20 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 95Rh 0 5.02 min 9/2+ -78329.5(95) -78340(150) 10.5 2011FaAA: PRC 84 045807 98Ag 0 47.5 s (6+) -73051(37) -73060(70) 9 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 98Mo 0 stable 0+ -88121.5(53) -88111.7(19) -9.8 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 99Ag 0 124 s (9/2)+ -76697(10) -76760(150) 63 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 100Ag 0 2.01 min (5)+ -78136.9(76) -78150(80) 13.1 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 100Mo 0 stable 0+ -86181(25) -86184(6) 3 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 101Ag 0 11.1 min 9/2+ -81327.1(70) -81220(100) -107.1 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 102Y 0+x 298 ms (2-) -61173(5) -61890(90) 717 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 103Y 0 230 ms -58457(11) -58940(SYS) 483 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 103Ag 0 65.7 min 7/2+ -84802.7(41) -84791(17) -11.7 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 108Nb 0 193 ms (2+) -59545(9) -60700(SYS) 717 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 111Mo 0 200 ms -59933(13) -61100(SYS) 1167 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 113Tc 0 170 ms >5/2 -62812(4) -63720(SYS) 908 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 114Tc 0+x,0+y 90, 100 ms (1+),>3 -58436(13) -59730(SYS) 1294 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 114Ru 0 530 ms 0+ -70221(4) -70530(SYS) 309 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 116Ru 0 204 ms 0+ -64069(4) -64450(SYS) 381 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 118Pd 0 1.9 s 0+ -75389(4) -75470(210) 81 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 119Rh 0 171 ms -62823(10) -63240(SYS) 417 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 120Pd 0 500 ms 0+ -70280(2) -70150(120) -130 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 121Pd 0 285 ms -66182(4) -66260(SYS) 78 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 122Pd 0 175 ms 0+ -64616(19) -64690(SYS) 74 2011HaAA: EPJA 47, 129 133Cs 0 stable 7/2+ -88070.8(15) -88070.958(22) 0.158 2011He10: EPJA 45, 75 133Cs 0 Stable 7/2+ -88070.94(12) -88070.958(22) 0.0204 2010Mo30: PRA 82, 042513 152Gd 0 1.08E14 y 0+ -74710.8(33) -74714.2(25) 3.4 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 153Eu 0 Stable 5/2+ -73368.4(54) -73373.5(25) 5.1 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 154Gd 0 Stable 0+ -73700.9(40) -73713.2(25) 12.3 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 155Gd 0 Stable 3/2- -72066.7(25) -72077.1(25) 10.4 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 156Gd 0 Stable 0+ -72526.3(34) -72542.2(25) 15.9 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 157Gd 0 Stable 3/2- -70819.9(31) -70830.7(25) 10.8 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 158Gd 0 Stable 0+ -70683.7(28) -70696.8(25) 13.1 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 160Gd 0 Stable 0+ -67938.0(33) -67948.6(25) 10.6 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 175Lu 0 Stable 7/2+ -55173.2(42) -55170.7(22) -2.5 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 176Hf 0 Stable 0+ -54569.9(91) -54577.5(22) 7.6 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 176Lu 0 3.76E10 y 7- -53382.7(71) -53387.4(22) 4.7 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 177Hf 0 Stable 7/2- -52871.5(67) -52889.6(21) 18.1 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 178Hf 0 Stable 0+ -52423.9(74) -52444.3(21) 20.4 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014311 179Hf 0 Stable 9/2+ -50465.0(60) -50471.9(21) 6.9 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014312 180Hf 0 Stable 0+ -49778.2(61) -49788.4(21) 10.2 2011Ke03: PRC 84, 014313 NUCLIDE LEVEL-ENERGY HALF-LIFE SPIN-PARITY MEASURED MASS AME-2003 MASS MEASURED - REFERENCE PAIR (keV) DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE AME 2003 (keV) (keV) 34Ar; 34S 0; 0 844.5 ms; Stable 0+; 0+ 11553.51(19) 11554.6(4) -1.09 2011Er02: PRC 83, 055501 38Ca; 38Ar 0; 0 440 ms; Stable 0+; 0+ 12656.36(11) 12656(5) 0.36 2011Er02: PRC 83, 055502 96Ru-96Mo 0; 0 Stable; Stable 0+; 0+ 2714.51(13) 2719(8) -4.49 2011El04: PRC 83, 038501 152Gd-152Sm 0; 0 108 Ty; Stable 0+; 0+ 55.70(18) 55(4) 0.7 2011El02: PRL 106, 052504 156Dy-156Gd 0; 0 Stable; Stable 0+; 0+ 2005.95(10) 2012.2(7.4) -6.25 2011El05: PRC 84, 012501(R) 162Er-162Dy 0; 0 Stable; Stable 0+; 0+ 1846.95(30) 1844(4) 2.95 2011El04: PRC 83, 038501 168Yb-168Er 0; 0 Stable; Stable 0+; 0+ 1409.27(25) 1422(5) -12.73 2011El04: PRC 83, 038501 NUCLIDE; DAUGHTER LEVEL-ENERGY HALF-LIFE SPIN-PARITY MEASURED AME-2003 MEASURED - REFERENCE (keV) Q (keV) Q (keV) AME 2003 10C; 10B 0; 0 3648.12(8) 3647.95(12) 0.17 2011Er02: PRC 83, 055501 30S; 30P 0; 0 1.178 s; 2.498 m 0+; 1+ 6141.61(19) 6138(3) 3.61 2011So11: EPJ A 47, 40 34Ar; 34Cl 0; 0 844.5 ms; 1.5264 s 0+; 0+ 6061.83(8) 6062.6(4) -0.78 2011Er02: PRC 83, 055501 34Ar; 34Cl 0; 146.52(26) 844.5 ms; 32.0 m 0+; 3+ 5915.37(10) 5916.2(4) -0.83 2011Er02: PRC 83, 055501 38Ca; 38K 0; 0 440 ms; 7.636 m 0+; 3+ 6742.19(10) 6741(5) 1.19 2011Er02: PRC 83, 055501 38Ca; 38K 0; 130.21(14) 440 ms; 924.0 ms 0+; 0+ 6612.12(7) 6611(5) 1.15 2011Er02: PRC 83, 055501 46V; 46Ti 0; 0 422.50 ms; Stable 0+; 0+ 7052.44(10) 7050.4(6) 2.04 2011Er02: PRC 83, 055501 111Mo; 111Tc 0; 0 186 ms; 290 ms (1/2+,3/2+);5/2+ 9085(5) 8120(420) SY 965 2011KuAA: PRC 84, 044304 NUCLIDE; DAUGHTER LEVEL-ENERGY HALF-LIFE SPIN-PARITY MEASURED AME-2003 MEASURED - REFERENCE (keV) Q(2EC) (keV) Q(2EC) (keV) AME 2003 102Pd; 102Ru 0;1103.047(13) stable;4.0 ps 0+;2+ 1203.27(36) 1173.0(24) 30.37 2011GO23: PRC 84, 028501 106Cd; 106Pd 0;2748.2(4) stable; 0+;(2,3)- 2775.39(10) 2770(7) 5.39 2011GO23: PRC 84, 028501 116Cd;116Sn 0;0 3.3E19 y;stable 0+;0+ 2813.50(13) 2809.1(42) 4.4 2011RA24: PLB 703, 412 130Te;130Xe 0;0 >0.79E21 y;stable 0+;0+ 2526.97(23) 2530.3(20) -4.33 2011RA24: PLB 703, 412 136Ce-136Ba 0;0 >0.7E14 y; stable 0+;0+ 2378.53(27) 2419(13) -40.47 2011KO03: PLB 697, 116 144Sm; 144Nd 0;1560.920(13) stable;2.29E15 y 0+;2+ 1782.59(87) 1781.2(18) 1.39 2011GO23: PRC 84, 028501 164Er; 164Dy 0;0 stable;stable 0+;0+ 25.07(12) 23.5(38) 1.57 2011El08: PRL 107, 152501